"It's not what you know or who you know but who you will ask." - Rob Coats
Getting help from people is one of the main reasons for establishing a large network but if you never take the time to tap into your network you will waste a heck of a lot of time.
For most people, asking for help isn't an easy thing and it's because in life usually at a very early age we've asked for something and were either scolded or hurt in a big way as a result and that experience has shaped our current reality. I've read that most people do things for 2 reasons in life: to avoid pain and/or to gain pleasure. Most people would rather suffer than actually take the chance and get help to fix the problem. I will do my best at helping you over this hurdle in your life.
Most people don't like asking for help when networking because it makes them feel vulnerable and they feel that they will either owe the person or the person will hold it over there head forever.
I recently read a blog post by Dr.Deb (a psychologist that specializes in trauma and depression) who was interviewed for The Tyra Banks Show on How To Ask For Help.
This is what she listed as being some of the most common myths that hold people back from Asking today.
Myth: It makes us look vulnerable.
Truth: Asking for help creates an atmosphere of empowerment. It communicates to others that, while you may not have the answers, you are willing to find them and make things better.
Myth: Holding things in and keeping personal issues under wraps keeps us secure.
Lastly rember these 3 things when asking for help;
1. What type of help you need- Be specific. Let people know exactly what it is you want so they can know how to assist you.
2. Why you need it
3. When you need it
When you practice these simple truths you are much more likely to get help when asking then to not get it at all.
Please leave comments so I know that your alive.