Networking is a tried and true method of starting and developing relationships, whether it's to find customers for your business, make connections in your job search or just meet people with interests in common with yours.
Although the process can be intimidating, there are skills you can learn to make it easier and more successful. For example, the following technique will get you into those conversations already in progress.
Don't just stand there --- join in
At conferences and other events where people are circulating and trying to get to know one another, there are always a few who seem to be left "out in the cold", casting about for a group to join and looking hesitant and awkward. You don't need to let this happen to you. All you need is follow this technique, which I call the fine art of hovering! Let's assume you have just arrived, things are in full swing and you don't see anyone you know. First, I suggest you pick up whatever is available to drink, whether it's a cup of coffee, a glass of wine or even water. Don't even think of it as a drink, but instead as a prop. For most of us, just having something in our hands makes us feel less awkward.
Move Toward Your Target Group
Now look around and select a group to join. When choosing a group to join, avoid those with two people earnestly involved in a discussion. They may not even see you hovering, and even if they do you may not be welcome. Your next step is to move towards the group. Don't move right in, but instead "hover" at the edge. About a yard away is good, because it's close enough for them to see that you are listening. Listen to whoever is speaking at the moment, and use similar body language to the others in the group to show that you are. If the story is funny, join in the laughter with everyone else. Eventually, someone will see you and invite you into the group.
Mind Your Manners
Be careful you don't disrupt the flow of the conversation, especially if someone is speaking. Tell them you've been listening and ask them to continue the story. Good manners and courtesy are always appreciated, and you will get your chance to join the conversation at the appropriate time. No matter what your job is today, networking opportunities abound and you are well advised to take advantage of them, even if you are shy. All those people happily conversing now had to break into the conversations. Now it's just your turn. Pick your group, hover near it and join!