Mystery vs Elvis Round 3

Hello my name is James Lee Dean some people just call me James Dean. Unfortunately I do not live up to the legend, I am more or less a geek. I really want to learn to pick up women and be cool like the original James Dean. I am a handsome but shy guy.

I was searching the internet when I ran into this post called Mystery vs Elvis, both men claiming to be the worlds greatest pick up artist. I was placing my votes on the underdog Elvis Preston King. It was clear to me that Mystery was scared of the new legend Elvis Preston King. He and his entourage were throwing low blows at Elvis and having never met the man it was easy to see that it was unwarranted. Mystery just could not stand it that another man could be better than him in pick up. Mystery had been featured in the new book the Game by Neil Strauss. I understand that Mystery (Erik Von Markovik), author of The Mystery Method, and the Venusian Arts handbook now has a a reality TV show The Pick Up Artist. He claims to be the worlds greatest pick up artist. Mystery having slept with hundreds of women but Elvis having slept with thousands.

The Seduction Community had found Elvis after he posted the International Playboy Playoff Challenge where he challenged anyone in the world to meet him for a week in a strange city to both to see who can bed the most women. Mystery was they only guy to verbally accept the challenge but in the end just gave excuses to avoid the competition.

There are a lot of articles about Elvis Preston King on the internet.

So I got this idea to take both of their workshops and see for myself.

I had met Mystery before in Toronto. Mystery is a cool guy with a very talkative personality. He comes off like a punk rocker with his black nails and wild clothes. He recommended I change my style of clothes and change my hair but I don't think that this would go over very well in Greenwich, maybe in LA. In contrast to Elvis he is a night life guy and loves strip clubs and bars. He taught me this technique of how to open a group of people at a bar avoiding your target at first. He was very good at getting me involved in talking to women and groups. He actually prefers opening groups as opposed to one-sets the opposite of Elvis. Mystery number closed a few girls and got a girl to make out with him right in the club. I was opening groups with some great openers and routines. I got a few phone numbers but we never got into how to lay the girls. Mystery truly is a class-act and a great performer and I cant imagine anyone being better in bars and clubs. As far as I know no one got laid including me at the Mystery workshop.

I convinced Elvis to take a flight to my hometown in Greenwich , Connecticut . Greenwich is a very upscale and high income city in the United States . Elvis was in Brazil or the Dominican Republic at the time I believe. Elvis Preston King is blonde, a little fat and looks like Jack Nicklaus. He has dynamic energy and is motivated by hot women. You could tell that when he approached women it was for the love of women and not for money and fame that he does his art. The King was amazing, on our way back from the airport to the hotel where Elvis stayed I had to pull my Dads new Rolls over five times so that Elvis could make street approaches. He got three out of five of these really hot girls phone numbers. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Here is a 58 year old guy chasing down hot twenty two year olds on the street in Greenwich , Connecticut . Elvis taught me street, mall and campus pick up. Elvis makes what he refers to as high speed pick up, never giving a girl over 30 seconds of his time and usually his approach takes about 10 seconds. He moves on girls within three seconds, just giving himself enough time to see if she is attractive enough for him to want to ad her to his playmate collection for a night! I never was so scared in all my life when I made my first street approach with Elvis standing back and watching me. It was comforting to have the worlds greatest pick up artist watching my back. We both ended up getting laid a couple of times that week. Actually Elvis got laid by at least three beautiful women all in their twenties. Not to mention I think he laid a girl working at the hotel where he stayed. The cell phone that I loaned Elvis for a week is still ringing like Christmas bells at Macys. Elvis has something intangible that men just cant see but women eat this guy alive. I recommend you take an Elvis workshop. I understand Elvis has a new book that he has written called Lovesport. I asked my Dad to buy me a copy but he refused saying that no book can be worth 17 million Euros! The price of Lovesport.

Would I recommend the Elvis and Mystery workshops. You bet I would, you get the best of both worlds, bars and clubs with Mystery and street, malls and campus with Elvis. With this training and a lot of practice I could become the best.