The Power of Asking - How to Get Everything You Want

"It's not what you know or who you know but who you will ask." - Rob Coats
Getting help from people is one of the main reasons for establishing a large network but if you never take the time to tap into your network you will waste a heck of a lot of time.

For most people, asking for help isn't an easy thing and it's because in life usually at a very early age we've asked for something and were either scolded or hurt in a big way as a result and that experience has shaped our current reality. I've read that most people do things for 2 reasons in life: to avoid pain and/or to gain pleasure. Most people would rather suffer than actually take the chance and get help to fix the problem. I will do my best at helping you over this hurdle in your life.

Most people don't like asking for help when networking because it makes them feel vulnerable and they feel that they will either owe the person or the person will hold it over there head forever.

I recently read a blog post by Dr.Deb (a psychologist that specializes in trauma and depression) who was interviewed for The Tyra Banks Show on How To Ask For Help.

This is what she listed as being some of the most common myths that hold people back from Asking today.

Myth: It makes us look vulnerable.

Truth: Asking for help creates an atmosphere of empowerment. It communicates to others that, while you may not have the answers, you are willing to find them and make things better.

Myth: Holding things in and keeping personal issues under wraps keeps us secure.

Lastly rember these 3 things when asking for help;

1. What type of help you need- Be specific. Let people know exactly what it is you want so they can know how to assist you.
2. Why you need it
3. When you need it

When you practice these simple truths you are much more likely to get help when asking then to not get it at all.

Please leave comments so I know that your alive.

How to Conference Call is Quite Easy

It is quite easy to set up a conference call. And many people use it, not just businesses. Here are some examples of somebody may want to use this method of calling:

- You are part of a group of friends living in different cities and want to talk together

- You are a product provider in Europe and want to tell about your products to clients in different locations in the US

- You are a project manager in a multi-national company with your team distributed across different geographies and you want to discuss the project progress with your team

- You are a trainer of a software technology company and want to train hundreds of people across the globe simultaneously

The conventional methods of communication like one-to-one calls, chatting, emailing, etc. would not work in all the above cases. You will have to use a special method of communication that is known as a conference call or teleconference or group call.

Why is it useful?

Unlike other methods of communication, which may have limitations that you can not use voice and can only write or you can only talk with one person at a time or you cannot have a live communication or you cannot talk to people that are at different physical locations, a conference call overcomes all these limitations by providing you the opportunity of talking to multiple geographically distributed people simultaneously where each member of the call can contribute to talking equally in the conference. The advantages and uses of such type of communication are unlimited and the above provided examples are some of the possible scenarios where one is used.

How to organize conference calls?

There are various options available regarding the type of conference call, modes of setting one up, type of involvement of members in the conference and additional features other than just voice.

Let's discuss in detail the various available options and how to conference call.

Hardware-based Conference Call - Normal phones are designed to place only one-to-one calls and mostly don't provide facilities for conference call. However, there are specialized phones that are capable of handling these types of calls. In such phones, the caller calls one party first and while the call is being placed or has connected, the caller dials numbers of other parties and adds them to the conference. In such a system, only the caller is required to have this special phone and other called parties can use their normal landline phones or mobile phones. There may be limitations on how many called parties can be added to the conference based on the type of phone. Cisco phones are the most commonly used conference call enabled phones in majority of company offices.

Calling on Conference Bridge - There is specialized conference-call-service providing companies, which allow setting up of conference calls. Such companies utilize special equipments called conference bridges, which are used to connect multiple calls. In such a system, it is required to register a schedule of a conference providing details such as the start time, duration, possible number of members etc. Based on the provided information, the service provider will set up a conference bridge for the required duration and will provide details such as a single call-in number; administrator or members pass codes (if required) etc. At the time of the call, either each member party can independently call the provided number or an administrator can call the parties to set up a conference. Such type of services provide numerous options like sending invites to the members, call recording services, reminder services, allocating specific involvement in the call such as providing only listening rights or providing talking rights as well or assigning administration rights to one or more members. The service providing companies provide both free and paid options depending upon the facilities provided.

Build Business Success by Building Strong Business Relationships

Building strong relationships with your clients and with other businesses in your network can mean the difference between success and business failure. Your business cannot prosper without support from other people, customers, and businesses. This is possible only if you build and maintain proper relationships. The seven tips below will help you to create business success by strengthening your relationships.

1. Networking is the key to strong business relationships. Contacts form the lifeline of your business. Interact regularly with your existing and prospective customers, suppliers, partners, colleagues, contractors, and acquaintances. You can network personally or through various networking groups. It is not necessary to always deal and discuss only business matters. Your sincere efforts at pursuing and maintaining a relationship will repay your company more than any impersonal advertising can do.

2. Your business card is your identity. While networking, offer your business card to your clients and acquaintances. Your card should be professional in appearance and contain all of your contact details, including your telephone numbers, fax, e-mail address, and website. Exchanging cards forms the foundation of a business relationship. Always carry your card, even to social functions, and be prepared to give your card out when it is appropriate in the conversation.

Exchange business cards on every appropriate occasion. If possible, add a personal note to yourself on the back of the card about the person, where you met, and any questions the contact has about your business. When you collect a card, follow up with the new contact within a week. A business leader who is working on networking will maintain a collection of cards and contact details on a database.

3. Use email for simple communication. Email is a very simple and inexpensive way of communicating with your contacts. Send regular emails to your clients, even if there is no ongoing project. This helps others to remember your business and your expertise long after you have completed a assignment.

You could email an informative letter about industry trends or launch a new product or service your business is offering. After you first establish a contact, a simple email thanking your new contact for the time spent in talking with you and expanding on the services your business provides is appropriate.

Emailing is an effective viral marketing technique. Your clients and business contacts will forward your message to others who could be interested in your line of business.

4. Maintain a well-designed and professional website. Your business website should offer clear information of your business and provide easy to understand navigational directions. Clients should be able to move around and discover relevant information on your website with ease. Optimize your website with popular search terms to improve and increase web traffic. Always update your website with recent information and remove all outdated or unnecessary information.

You can even create an industry forum linked to your website to encourage business people within the industry to network online. This keeps people coming back to your website and establishes your company as the leader in the field. You will also be able to establish strong networking ties to the people contributing comments to your forum.

5. Socialize with Other Business Owners. You will meet many prospective clients at business gatherings. Attend conferences and industry events to network with other people who can assist your business to grow with mutually beneficial arrangements. Play golf, attend social or charity events, and generally socialize with your network of contacts to build and maintain your relationships.

Send emails to new clients providing answers to any queries, or offer to meet your new prospective client at any convenient place to discuss and elaborate on business matters. This helps to build a lasting business relationship. Follow up your emails with phone calls to cement and establish your relationship.

6. Remember Your Loyal Customers. You should always pay special attention to your regular and loyal clients. Your repeat clients offer greater business than new clients do. Your old clients are well aware of your capabilities and approach you when the need arises.

Offering your loyal customers special discounts and services will make the relationship stronger. It is not necessary to offer only business related benefits. You can offer coupons to any special social event, concerts, any upcoming celebrations, and passes to local attractions. You can also send birthday cards and greetings on other special occasions.

7. Remain Flexible and Overcome Obstacles. Remain flexible to maintain steadfast and successful business relationships. A business prospers through inputs from various people, including business partners, employees, mentors, clients, and your contemporaries. Never underestimate anybody and always remain courteous in your business dealings.

You may encounter many obstacles in your business. Being flexible enough to accommodate any delays, uncertainties, and upsets with good communication can build a congenial and effective business relationship with all people associated with your business as a whole.

Solicitors Networking Tips

If you are looking to use networking as a way of growing your business then what must you know to make sure you make the right first impressions and do not scare people away? This article looks at some basic tips to help you with Solicitors Networking.

Who Do You Want To Meet?

Many people attend networking events because they are convenient or in a nice venue. Whilst this can work for you through luck more than judgment, in reality you need to think more carefully about which networking events to attend.

Start to think about the types of businesses or individuals you would like to meet and with whom you could form mutually beneficial long-term relationships. Once you have identified who you would like to meet you can start to search for networking events at which they might be present.

What Are You Trying To Achieve?

It is vital to consider what you want to achieve from each networking event. If you attend without any thought or attention to this part how will you know if you have been successful? What measure will you have to see if your valuable time has been used well?

It is unlikely that you will meet someone that can immediately provide you with a significant referral for your business, so you must think about long-term objectives (below).

Long-term Objectives.

Many people make a significant mistake when attending networking events and their approach can alienate people immediately.

We have all been to networking events where someone brashly approaches, hands out their business cards, explains what type of referrals they are looking for before saying they must speak to more people to ensure they get lots of new business. This will never work. It is far too much "Enough about me, what do you think of me" as opposed to looking to see how they could help you in your business.

The law of reciprocation is a wonderful thing. By and large, if you take the time and effort to show interest in someone else's business, and offer advice or referrals to them, you will receive the same back from them at some stage. It may take time, but any relationship worth having generally does take time to build. If you approach networking thinking you will receive instant quick fixes then I am afraid you are ultimately certain to fail.

Networking and building new business relationships takes time and effort. You must show interest, and we mean GENUINE interest in other people's business for them to show interest in your practice.

If you do this right you will have success with your networking.

Business Cards.

Always take business cards with you, but be selective in handing them out. If you do hand out a business card, personalise it in some way so that you stand out to the person you are handing your card to. Remember that they might leave the event with 10 or more business cards, so anything you can do to make yours stand out will help them to remember you when they are back in their office.

Relationships Forever

No matter the field or industry you're in, the above words, or more accurately, the above word repeated three times, is key to close any kind of business transaction you are involved in. Whatever it is you do, you must repeat and memorize this word: Relationships.

It is not easy to meet people and maintain good relationships with them; in fact, it is a skill not many of us possess. However, it is more important than any technical ability you may have. Most business failures happen because of someone's incapacity to communicate and relate to others effectively, not because of a lack of technical mastership.

One of the most important elements of a good relationship is respect. You cannot demand respect from others. You either earn it with your words and actions, or you are lying to yourself thinking that you are automatically respected just because of your position. In this last case, eventually, the volcano will erupt, and most probably the lava will swallow you up, erasing every trace of your existence. And read these words: No one will care.

We can only control our own behavior, thus, the only way to get respect is by giving it to others with sincerity. You must start with yourself if you want to see a change in others. Stop negative criticism and start providing valuable and caring feedback. Be helpful and encourage others to be their best. Honor and praise the good. Do not pay attention to what others say, and never label a person. Work under the premise that everyone will positively surprise you and that everyone is worthy. Be open and welcoming. Learn to separate people from their actions, as everyone can make a mistake, even you.

You will get more out of the behaviors you reward than out of the ones you repress. Start considering which behaviors of yours are affecting others' behaviors. Be a leader, not a boss.

When it comes to business networking, listen, really listen to people. You will learn a lot and understand even more. Put yourself in other people's shoes and consider their opinions. The more you learn, the more powerful you are; the more humble you are, the stronger you get.

Networking - Joining the Conversation

Networking is a tried and true method of starting and developing relationships, whether it's to find customers for your business, make connections in your job search or just meet people with interests in common with yours.

Although the process can be intimidating, there are skills you can learn to make it easier and more successful. For example, the following technique will get you into those conversations already in progress.

Don't just stand there --- join in

At conferences and other events where people are circulating and trying to get to know one another, there are always a few who seem to be left "out in the cold", casting about for a group to join and looking hesitant and awkward. You don't need to let this happen to you. All you need is follow this technique, which I call the fine art of hovering! Let's assume you have just arrived, things are in full swing and you don't see anyone you know. First, I suggest you pick up whatever is available to drink, whether it's a cup of coffee, a glass of wine or even water. Don't even think of it as a drink, but instead as a prop. For most of us, just having something in our hands makes us feel less awkward.

Move Toward Your Target Group

Now look around and select a group to join. When choosing a group to join, avoid those with two people earnestly involved in a discussion. They may not even see you hovering, and even if they do you may not be welcome. Your next step is to move towards the group. Don't move right in, but instead "hover" at the edge. About a yard away is good, because it's close enough for them to see that you are listening. Listen to whoever is speaking at the moment, and use similar body language to the others in the group to show that you are. If the story is funny, join in the laughter with everyone else. Eventually, someone will see you and invite you into the group.

Mind Your Manners

Be careful you don't disrupt the flow of the conversation, especially if someone is speaking. Tell them you've been listening and ask them to continue the story. Good manners and courtesy are always appreciated, and you will get your chance to join the conversation at the appropriate time. No matter what your job is today, networking opportunities abound and you are well advised to take advantage of them, even if you are shy. All those people happily conversing now had to break into the conversations. Now it's just your turn. Pick your group, hover near it and join!

Start Small and Really Network

I have attended my fair share of networking events and more often than not, I find that I do not get any quality time to network and begin the process of building viable business relationships for the future. I find the time allocated to speak with people and start to get to know them is often too short, coupled with too many other distractions.

When attending these networking events I find I usually get the most value out of listening to the key note speakers. If I am fortunate enough to strike up a meaningful conversation in between the breaks with someone I am seated next to then great, but all too often there is no real focused time to listen and understand each other on a one-on-one level.

I aware there is plenty of advice on how to get the most out of your networking at these types of events and the advice is often very good so don't stop going. I want to make it clear that I am not criticising the style of these networking events - they are what they are and you can make the most of them.

However, I have been on the look-out for other ways to really connect, understand, and collaborate with people who are interested in leveraging collective networks, especially in this current market. I had the privilege the other day of being invited to a very different networking event. It was small in scale, focused, purposeful, coordinated, quiet, and for me, very meaningful. The concept is a Multiplier Lunch.

Multiplier Lunches are a sandwich lunch held for four businesses at a time, one of them being the host company who invited me. All four businesses are non-competitors, and my case generally in the services sector, and are unlikely to require each other's services. However, all work in similar markets. The central idea is to act, where there might be an opportunity, as referrers to each other.

The purpose of the lunch is for the group to get to know what each other's businesses do so that we can be effective referrers for one another. Each attendee has half an hour to tell the group about their business and to take questions.

How to Reactivate Your Network During the Holidays

It is ten months later and it is time to take stock. Are you on track with your goals? Are you half way there or did you get caught in your routine and forgot all about those goals? Did your goals change since you last evaluated?

It is not too late; you have two more months to go. Don't be overwhelmed by the holiday season. Yes, most people who do not have businesses centered on holiday goods and services slow down for the holiday season, but it is the perfect time to give a last boost to finish out the year on a high note.

Take your list back out, check it twice... No really, check each goal and rate it from 1 to 10 to see how far you are from achievement (1 being not started and 10 being complete). Select the 3 that rate the most and concentrate on those only. What could you do to reach those goals by the end of December?

What ever your goals (whether they be to get more clients, create new products, start a marketing plan, etc.) they are all related to your network. You can have the best product in the world but if you don't have clients you have no business. You get clients simply by building your list and your network which is filled with people who like you, trust you and will work with you or refer clients to you.

How did you focus your networking this year?

How many events did you attend, how many business cards did you collect, how many follow-up meetings did you schedule, and how many new clients did you get from your networking efforts. It is time to look back on what happened since the beginning of the year. Take this opportunity to organize and update your database and formally enter your contacts on software like Act, Outlook, or simply Excel. Even if you if you are not technology savvy, make sure to take all the business cards you collected off your selves or shoes box and create a database to set up a concrete follow-up system.

How can you reactivate all of your contacts and implement your follow-up system?

Send a greeting card just to say "Hi." Important: don't try to sell anything, you are here to build a relationship, not to do a sale pitch. Ask them how you could help, it is ALL ABOUT THEM NOT YOU. A couple of weeks after the card, give them a call to invite them for a drink or a coffee to learn more about their business. Invite them to join you at holiday parties. Listen to what they say and take notes to find out what you can do for them. Then write your notes down to use them later in your follow-up system.

If you know that their birthday is coming up, send them a birthday card. People always like nice attention and the fact that you remember personal information about them. The recipient will be impressed and you will be number one on their list when they will need your service or will have a referral for you.

Send a Holiday card, if it is the one action you will take by the end of the year, don't miss this opportunity. Even if you didn't see them or spoke with them for months, it is the perfect time to reactivate the connection and come back to the top of their mind. Don't forget to put them on your follow-up system so by next year you won't be months without keeping in touch with them on a regular basis.

Use the last two months to effectively implement your follow-up system, if you don't have one yet, so you will be ready to start the next year as a successful network. This strategy will give your more time to work on your marketing plan or to promote your product or service and grow your business.

The advantage of having a follow-up system in place, is that you work on it once, then your system is doing the work for you, telling you what to do with all of your contacts and when to do it. That will free up a lot of your time.

Need help to reconnect with your contacts and/or set-up your own follow-up system? Check my program "Power of Networking Secrets", I will walk you through my step-by-step proven follow-up system, and will show you how to keep in touch with your contacts on a regular basis (even years from now) without worrying about attracting new clients every day.

Biba F. Pédron, Business & Marketing Consultant, founder of Biba4Network, also knows as "The Connection Queen", helps solo-entrepreneurs to maximize their networking results and reveal proven strategies to attract more clients and double your business with simple but effective networking system.

Networking - The Powerful Pillar of the Mastermind Group

If you own a small business, you need to become part of a network, period. All of the most successful people in business have been part of networks and you should to. You can't do it all alone and the benefits are amazing. Read on to find out about the power of the mastermind in networking.

There are three main pillars to a successful small business network:

1. The pillar of service- This is where you unconditionally help other members of your network so that they can grow their business.

2. The pillar of referrals- This is the goldmine pillar where you give and get free business by referring clients to other members without expectation of reciprocity.

3. The pillar of the mastermind- This is the basis of this article. The mastermind is the principle that a group of people working together towards a common goal is more powerful than each individual working towards it.

This principle was coined by Napoleon Hill in his world famous success book called "Think and Grow Rich." Hill used the term Master Mind. In the book he explains to us how the great, successful business owners of the past have used the mastermind principle to achieve unheard of goals against unbeatable odds.

Well, you can use the power of the mastermind as well. Once you establish your small business network, you will select a smaller group of people that you will be able to completely confide in. You need to make sure that these members are dedicated towards helping you achieve your small business goals. In turn, you will become part of other mastermind groups dedicated towards helping others.

Once a group of business owners take their individual expertise and put it together to help others, their power to come up with ideas and solutions is amazing. It's like taking the best part of each person's brain and mashing together to create a better brain, a mastermind.

Your mastermind group should be relatively small. There needs to be limit of 4-8 people so that ideas will not start to clash together. It's the same principle as having too many cooks in the kitchen. Your actual business network can have hundreds of members, but the mastermind needs to be a very small group, a chosen few. This group of people will stick with you for a long time. There are cases where these groups have stayed together for the life of the business.

Joshua Black is an on-line infopreneur, marketing consultant, small business owner and copywriter dedicated to helping the bootstrapping small business owner succeed.

Small Business Networking Events

Small business networking events can help you find existing opportunities that may not be available through other marketing channels. Taking a consistent and professional approach to networking as part of a long term strategy can help you find out about:

  • What other businesses can do for you.
  • What opportunities exist to sell your products/services.
  • What your competitors are doing.

Many business owners who are new to networking make the mistake of trying to sell to everyone they meet. No-one likes a pushy sales person. If you go to small business networking events with the mindset that you need to sell there and then you are likely to fail.

Network events - insights

  1. The purpose is to leave an impression not to make a sale.
  2. The people you meet are likely to know someone who can benefit can your products/services.
  3. The aim to to build long term relationships. Not to make a quick sale.
  4. Listen to your target market, listen to their needs, then fit your solutions to their business requirements.

Small business networking events can be free of paid for so even startup companies with a tighter budget can attend. That's not to say that some of the paid for events aren't worthwhile either.

Enterprise Network events cover the following areas:

  • Manufacturing Network
  • Finance & Professional Services
  • Technology in Manufacturing
  • Creative & Digital Industries
  • Women in Business
  • Innovation

Enterprise coaches and enterprise hubs also benefit early stage businesses. Growing a business in a recession can be tough but we're all in the same boat to get over to a small business networking event and talk to other business owners.

Business Networking Groups For Early Stage Businesses

Business networking groups for early stage businesses are a fantastic excuse to get out of the office and find out what is happening in the world of business.

What are your competitors up to?
What are your prospective customer's real needs?
Which sectors are doing well?
Is there an opportunity there for you?
All of these questions can be answered if speak to other business owners.

Business networking

Networks are available for like minded business people to meet up and chat about their companies. Just don't go there with the mindset that you need to sell. You might even come away having signed up to a fantastic new service that will help you grow your business! The more people that you get to know in business, the more business will will be able to do because, and I know it's an old cliche but it's true, people buy from people.

Early stage businesses

Any young business can fail. One of the most common reasons is undercapitalisation. Lack of money for marketing. How much do business networking events cost? £5? £10? Some events are even free! So you don't need a massive marketing budget to do well in business. Just don't overspend. Too many early stage businesses overspend on marketing like many of the big companies do. Cost effective marketing strategies, especially Internet Marketing, works.

Combine offline networking with social networking

When you arrive back from an event send them an email and add them to your online networking groups. This way you will be able to stay in contact.

The 6 Most Important Keys to Building Successful Relationships Through Rapport

Developing your ability to build rapport can help build confidence and contribute to a more rewarding lifestyle with friends, colleagues and family. Sometimes it will come naturally but there will be times where someone important to your success is not on your wavelength and you will need to work at building the relationship. We cover 6 steps to achieving this quickly.

Key 1 - Respect: You must learn to respect the other persons perspective in order to build rapport. You can't build rapport if you are uncertain or not confident in your role for the situation. To create rapport you must do it from a position of respect and need to understand them and seek win-win outcomes.

Key 2 - Matching & Mirroring: People like people who are like them so a sure way to build rapport is to be like them. When you have rapport you will find yourself copying each other's body postures,movements, voice tone, pace and breathing. Be open and willing to be influenced by another persons perspectives.

Key 3 - Pacing & Leading: Having created your foundation a person is unlikely to accept your views and goals unless they can form an attachment to them. Pacing is the process of matching the other person's unique perception to increase rapport. Once you have gained a good level of rapport by pacing begin to lead and influence the other person or group. If rapport is lost then you should resort back to pacing.

Key 4 - Develop your Feedback Sense: You will need to sharpen your senses to spot changes in yourself and others that usually go un-noticed. This is called "sensory acuity". You will need to spot whether the other person is with you or not.

Key 5 - Give people time to think: In any conversation people need time to think about what they are listening to and observing. Having the sensory acuity to notice when a person is processing in downtime is fundamental to rapport building, pacing & leading and ultimately effective communication.

Key 6 - Observe communication modes: There are 4 major communication modes -Visual, Auditory,Internal Dialogue and Kinaesthetic.

Visual Mode: Use language like "do you see what I mean?" or "let's zoom in on this."

Auditory Mode: Use language like: "I hear what you say" or "it sounds OK to me."

Internal Dialogue Mode: This indicates your partner processes information via an inner voice.

Kinaesthetic Thinking Mode: Your partner processes information by feel. Use language like "this feels just right" or "let's keep in touch"

Knowing how a person communicates is very useful in getting on the same wavelength as them.

By following these 6 keys you will be able to create successful interactions with all varieties of individuals and with different values in mind.

Early Stage Business Networking

Early Stage Business Networking is ideal when you've just started your own company. It gives you the opportunity to get out of the office and meet other business people.

Benefits include:

  • Expanding your horizons - the more people you know, the more chance you have of doing business.
  • People know people - how many other people does everyone know? One hundred? This is the foundumental concept behind business networking.
  • It's difficult to think when you're sat behind your desk - When you're sat at your desk you're in a certain mind set right? You tend to deal with what's coming at you. It helps to be somewhere else so that you can see your business in a different light.
You arrive at a network event. What's next?

So you're at your first business network. You're not quite sure what to do but you've been practising your pitch. The problem is your pitch is coming out all wooden. You feel like you're on a conveyer belt churning out line after line...

...Take a breath, relax and go with the flow

No-one wants to hear a wooden script. But your sentences will begin to flow better the more to speak to people. Just relax at business networking events and don't try to sell.

Listening skills

Developing your ability to listen to others is the best skill that will help to at early stage business networking events. If I am speaking to someone and I get the impression that they can't wait to hear we finish then I think that they aren't interested in me or my business.

New Business Networking

Developing an idea, writing a business plan and starting up your own company is tough but can be very fulfilling if you get it right. New company networking is one such activity that can help you succeed in business.


One common misconceptions that many new business owners find is that they expect to achieve results almost instantaneously. We are all eager but turning up to your first business networking event and expecting to get a couple of sales there and then may be a little too ambitious.

Another misconception is that everyone is out to sell to you there and then. Everyone is there is sell eventually but those who attend business networking events frequently come to realise that there may also be good opportunities to buy too. It goes without saying that the ultimate aim of business is to make a profit and people usually need time to get to know you before they buy your products or use your services. Also, if you are busy try to sell then you might miss an opportunity to work with someone who's services may be able to make you a profit.


Your business networking goals as a new business should be to find out about has many other businesses as possible. Who's going up in the world? Who's coming down? Which sectors are succeeding and which are just surviving? You aim should be to get to know people and their businesses. Make contacts. Don't try to sell! Business networking is a two way thing. It is not about what you can get out of it. It is about how the deal can benefit both parties.

Six Tips For Networking at Business Events

Regardless of the power of online networking, good networking techniques at live events reminds us again and again that there's no substitute for getting face-to-face with business people - provided we play our cards right.

With that in mind, I would urge all of us to observe the following networking practices.

  • Mingle, don't cluster. My experience is that when people from the same workplace attend a business event they make the mistake of hanging together, rather than doing the hard work of mingling with strangers and turning them into acquaintances. You can talk to your office mates any time. Even those who are solo practitioners are prone to cluster with the first couple of people they meet and never advance beyond.
  • Don't wander aimlessly. Always try to get the attendee list prior to the event. That gives you an opportunity to review the list and target the people you want to meet and do business with. If the list is not available, it's a good idea to spend your first five minutes surveying and assessing the crowd, figuring out who you want to approach. In other words, have a game plan rather than just letting things happen as they may. If you get to an event early keep an eye on the entrance and catch high-value people as they arrive. Most event planners neglect to have greeters at the door, and people will appreciate somebody who extends a hand and says, "C'mon, I'll walk you to the bar."
  • The food can wait. You cannot effectively network with a drink in one hand and a plate of food in the other. How do you shake hands? How do you exchange business cards? Do you think people want to watch you chomping on hors d'oeuvres and showing off your dental work while trying to explain what you do for a living? I don't think so. Don't show up famished. Eat something before you arrive if you're hungry. Brush your teeth and freshen your breath. Eat while the event is drawing to a close, or grab a to-go plate.
  • Keep it short, but never abrupt. You want to touch down, make contact, exchange some key information with your high-value targets and move on. Just don't be abrupt or you're likely to offend people by creating the impression that you deemed them unworthy of your time and are bolting for greener pastures. You can avoid this situation by striking an agreement with your new contact to get in touch to schedule a coffee meeting so you can spend more time talking business.
  • Keep business cards separated. Put the ones you hand out in one pocket and the cards you collect in another. If you mix your business cards with the ones you collect you'll end up shuffling a deck before long. This gives people the wrong impression - that you're an indiscriminate and serial collector of business cards. And you're disorganized.
  • Introduce people to one another. This is a powerful technique. You become a connector. And if you hang around awhile and observe the conversation you just ignited, you're likely to be surprised and enriched by the information you pick up just by listening. So bring people together, they'll remember you for it.

The Most Important Skill in Business Networking

Business Networking is a vital sales tool for professionals and salespeople alike - yet it's one that many people struggle with it. I've seen a lot of great advice given over the years - but very few people touch on what I have found to be the most important skill of all. Most networking advice focuses on what to say - how to position yourself, how to answer the "what do you do?" question, how to get people interested in what you have to offer.

This is all important stuff - but there's something that can have a much bigger impact on your networking success than how you describe what you do. It's the simple technique of asking them what they do first.

Most networkers rush far too quickly into talking about themselves. They're so passionate about what they do and what they have to offer - and so desperate for the other person to understand this - that their discussion becomes more of a monologue.

The reality is that networking is a long term game - and the initial meeting is the very first innings of that game. No one is going to start buying from you or referring business to you after a 5 minute chat. So there's no rush to blurt out all the details of what you do. What is vital is for you to make a good impression - to be seen as someone worthy of continuing a discussion with and finding out more about. And what sort of people do we like talking to? People who are genuinely interested in us and let us talk about ourselves. Not people who dominate the conversation and talk about themselves all the time.

But even more importantly than this, being the first to ask "what do you do?" and to focus on the other person gives you 6 major advantages:

  • You can figure out whether the other person is a potential customer or a potential referrer for you - and adjust your "elevator speech" accordingly.
  • By learning about what the other person does and what they're interested in, you can see how to best pitch your services to hit the right "hot buttons" for them.
  • If you have multiple services to offer you can identify which is the most appropriate for them and focus on a powerful specific message for that - rather than using a generic "catch all".
  • By listening to the way they communicate and the language they use you can identify the best way to communicate with them in a compelling manner.
  • You may be able to pick up specific areas where you can help them straight away - people to connect them too or resources to point them at. By adding value for them before you've even talked about yourself you'll make a tremendous impression.
  • And, of course, by listening first you'll be seen as empathetic and understanding - just the sort of positioning you want as a trusted advisor.

And one more subtle bonus - by focusing on being the first to ask "what do you do?" and then on listening, you're really taking the pressure off yourself. No need to worry about have a word-perfect pitch - even the clumsiest amongst us can ask a simple question and then listen. So by the time you get asked the return question (and if you've listened well - you will get asked), you've already built up a good rapport with your conversation partner - and your side will be listened to more attentively and more sympathetically.

Ian Brodie helps lawyers, consultants, accountants and other professionals get better at marketing and selling their services. Ian's Get Clients blog features regular articles, hints, tips, podcasts and the occasional video to help professional service firms attract more clients and win more new business.

Networking Success Strategies

It's party time! You're probably meeting a lot of new people at all those holiday events, mingling with colleagues, family, friends, partners & spouses. Don't you wish there were a way to take advantage of this opportunity to make new connections without ruining the holiday spirit?

You'll be happy to know -- there is. And it's not too difficult. It is important to remember a few things though...

1. It's a party
First of all, holiday social gatherings aren't networking events. That doesn't mean you have to leave your business cards at home. By all means, have a stash available. But don't whip them out right away or you'll be seen as Scrooge.

2. Start with small talk
Ask them who they know at the party. Or make a comment about the food, the gorgeous decorations, the music, whatever seems appropriate. Ease into the conversation and build that holiday spirit and rapport. But sooner or later, the following question will come up: "So what do you do?" And here's what you do in response...

...You deploy your audio logo

Your audio what? You've probably heard the phrase "elevator speech." But I prefer "audio logo." It defines the idea much more clearly. A well-designed audio logo provides a highly effective -- and intriguing -- definition of what you do, and it does it in seconds.

Basically, instead of giving a job name you tell them the benefits of what you do -- and include your ideal target audience. So for example, instead of saying, "I'm a real estate agent," tell them "I help young professionals find their perfect first home." Work on that ahead of time, so you'll be ready.

3. Listen to the other person
Once you mention what you do, shut up, at least for a moment. Give them a chance to digest what you just said and ask a question if they're interested. And if they tell you about any need they may have, listen closely and take mental notes. If they ask questions, answer, but keep it brief - remember this is a social event so keep the social focus. Even if they seem to want to buy from you don't get into the details - schedule a time to talk later during business hours.

4. Ask them what they do
If they haven't volunteered that by now, ask them what they do. Then show genuine curiosity and ask follow-up questions. DO NOT try to sell them your services.

5. Ask for their business card
If you have had a pleasant conversation, and they could be a good prospect for you -- or a potential referral partner, be sure to ask for their card. They will very likely ask for yours in return.

6. Jot down some notes on the card
Before you move on to your next conversation, jot down some quick notes on the card -- where you met, what you talked about, and any follow-up info or other important info about that person. You want to remember them - especially if you're enjoying the rum eggnog.

7. Wash, rinse, repeat
Repeat this sequence as often as possible during the event. And don't forget to have fun.

8. Thank the host(s)
Before you leave, be sure to thank the host, and mention that you enjoyed meeting the people you had conversations with. You host might well volunteer more information about that. Or might introduce you to more people just like them. In fact, you may even want to have a version of that conversation during the party to give them an even better opportunity to do just that.

9. Follow up
Follow up right away. Send a thank you card or gift the host. And then get out your stack of business cards and send an email or call everyone you met within a day or two.

If appropriate, offer to send them a free gift of some kind -- a special report, article, an audio, something that seems suitable. And consider inviting them for lunch or a cup of coffee in the very near future.

Generating Trade Leads

Generating trade leads is often seen as a very difficult task and holds a great importance as it forms the bottom line of any business. Though there are many portals that help in generating trade leads, there are some common things which can take us a long way in generating trade leads.

1. Customer contact: Not many of us realize this but are existing customers are the best source of generating sales leads. They can bring you loads of new business by referring you to their contacts. Keeping in regular touch with the customers by phone or email is one of the best ways to generate sales leads.

2. Trade groups and associations: Being an active member of trade groups also helps a lot. If you happen to be a regular speaker at trade events, it greatly increases your chances of generating sales leads.

3. Writing: Those who occasionally or regularly write for trade journals and magazines are held in high regard and increases your brand value. This brand value helps a lot in generating trade leads.

4. Quality of service: You may be able to get a few trade leads but if you don't provide quality service, you lose more than you gain. One of the best ways of generating sales leads is by word of mouth and no one does it better than a satisfied customer.

5. Complimentary products and services: Send your customers to the businesses that sell products that compliment yours. This is also one of the best methods of generating sales leads. You send them your customers, they will send you theirs.

How 'Not' to Write a Networking Follow-Up

Here's what a mortgage adviser sent fellow attendees after a networking event we both attended. He also forwarded it to me for my feedback. My comments are in italic.

This is what I sent out

Excellent plan

(with slight, personalised variations)

Go to the top of the class

to the new people I met, I also wrote to people I re-met (as you've noticed!) what'd'you think?

The real test is the response you get, but here are some comments (well, you *did* ask!)...

Dear *****,

Emails are more informal, so they often start with 'Hi' (unlike letters)

It was good to meet you

Americanism. English would be 'nice'


You get extra points for following up within 24 hours

and to have confirmed yet again that people prefer to deal with people they like.

Delete this or explain it e.g. I enjoyed the event and was pleased to meet so many likeable people. It reminded me that people prefer to deal with people they like. What did you think? (Your aim is to start a conversation)

As a residential and commercial mortgage broker I am trying to make contacts with accountants, family law solicitors, finance brokers (i.e. ones who do factoring & leasing), insurance brokers who don't have a financial services arm, insolvency practitioners, independent estate agents, etc. but first and foremost - established, two partner or more accountancy firms.

I received several follow-ups asking me to introduce attendees to people but without giving me a reason why. I ignored them all. Also, it's better to be specific and ask for just one thing. Especially if you can name the accountants you're targeting e.g. 'Who do you know that can introduce me to Fred at Fred Bloggs Accountancy?'

I've assumed the majority of people

Better to make it direct e.g. I assume you...

are self-employed

If it's personalised and you've met them you should know whether they are self-employed or not

so will have or know of an accountant

Could be 'Send me the contact details of all accountants you know, along with permission to mention your name. for each referral you provide you get a free entry into a prize draw to win a bottle of champagne at the end of the month'

and all I'm asking for is an introduction.

Don't like 'all I'm asking for'

(If you need more reasons why they should talk to me so you have more ammunition and can sell me more to them then do let me know).

Yes, they will want ammunition. If they don't know you, they have no reason to attempt to sell you at all. They will also want to know what's in it for them e.g. I will pay you commission for every introduction that turns into business (mind you, lots of people offer commission but I still only refer those I know, like and trust)

I'm aware that we're all trying to increase traffic to our organisations


and so would appreciate your reminding me of any way you feel I could help your business.

Again, why should they? Better to offer them something e.g. Want to fix at a low rate? Call me for a FREE no-obligation 1/2 hour telephone consultation about your mortgage options

Best Wishes

I'm never quite sure how to end emails. It seems 'kind regards' is commonly used


Landline phone number

Mobile phone number

Good to include your contact details as a call to action. The standard form is to separate the signature with hyphens

I have a different aim in my own networking. I don't try to sell, and I don't ask for introductions. Instead, I want people I meet to subscribe to this newsletter so I can keep in touch month-by-month, remind them I exist, and hopefully be the first copywriter they think of when they (or someone they know) needs one. For my own networking follow-ups, I sometimes send a brief website review, to demonstrate expertise and generate goodwill. I don't ask for anything in return and I trust that it will pay off in time.

Build a Small Business Network Or Die

If you are a small business owner, did you know how badly the odds are stacked against you that you will succeed? 16 out of 17 small businesses fail. 95% of small businesses will never reach their 5th birthday. If your business is not already 8 years old, chances are it never will be. So how do you give yourself the edge that all of the other wished for? Build a small business network. Read on to find out more.

The network is the key component that will put your business up there with the ones that have made it. Almost every ultra-successful business owner knows that it's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know. Building a successful business is all about the right connections and being able to admit that we can't do this alone.

It does not matter what business you are in, or whether you only run a web-based company or a physical business. Networking is the key to building a better business above the 95% of the other guys that will never get there. A business network offers unbelievable advantages, from getting specialized mentoring and helping others, to having a nearly-endless stream of qualified customers call you without requiring any advertising to get them.

Networks are built around the idea that you need to give before you can get. Successful member of a network will agree to a code of ethics that everyone will follow. Each member of the network agrees to help any other member in need when that person's skills are required. Having a network at your fingertips is like having the best part of each person's mind available to call on when the specialty needs a solution.

If you need a lawyer, call your legal friend. If someone needs website help, they might call on you. Maybe you need human resources help or the wisdom of someone highly successful. You can also barter for free services by trading your services with someone for something you need. While all of the other businesses are out there floundering and paying full price at the same time, you will have a tight-knit group of people that you can call upon day or night to help solve your problems. You can also use your network as a mastermind group, where you periodically meet to solve a single problem that a member is having. If the whole group puts their mind to a single problem, more can be accomplished that each member working on it alone. Networking is the key to building your business more that you ever thought possible.

Start a Small Business Network - Get Free Customers

If you are looking for a way to get more customers and gain help with some of your most pressing problems, then you need to be a member of a small business group. These teams of people all work together to benefit each other. Read on to find out how you can give your business the best chance of success with through networking.

In order to create a network you first will need to decide what kind you want to create. Are you a virtual, on-line business where you want to only talk with members through the internet? Are you a bricks-and-mortar business where you would like to only meet with local companies that can help you, or are you looking for some kind of hybrid between the two? Once you have the type off group picked out, you will need to start recruiting members.

There are many different ways to get members, depending on the design of the group. Try working close to home first. You can contact your local Chamber of Commerce and see if you can attend one of their meetings, or you could canvass local business owners that you trust and see if they would like to join the team. If you have a customer list, you could put a note out to people and see if there are any business owners would like to work with you. Stick with only 5-10 members at first, in order to

Once you have the members, you will need to meet and decide how you will want to operate the group. You may need to create a code of conduct, or perhaps you will want to leave it as informal as possible. There is a lot of room for flexibility when developing a network.

Once the team is established, now comes the good part, swapping leads. One of the biggest benefits for joining a network is that you can now add services to what you can currently offer your customers. If you have a car repair shop and one of your customers needs an accountant, you now have that person that you can give a referral to. This whole process is all about giving to each other. You have to give before you can get. You will not get leads every time. This is definitely not a completely fair process, but over time each member should benefit heavily from belonging to the group.

7 Steps to Networking Success

In today's economic climate, networking is an essential activity to maintain your business' viability. When you get out there and meet people, developing deep and lasting relationships, you are insuring your business' client base. It is commonly known that people buy from people that they like and trust; networking is the key to building these quality relationships. So, how do you maximise your networking activities?

1. Think Local

Start your networking activities by attending networking events in your local area. Do not seek to cover all areas; rather develop meaningful relationships in the client area you focus on most. Research your local networking groups and aim to attend a few. When people recognise you are actively engaged in the community and are a familiar face at networking events, they will be more likely to show an interest in you.

2. Be Consistent and Committed

Networking is like building any other relationship; it is achieved through consistency. You will achieve the best results if you make a commitment to attend most, if not all, of the events offered by the networking groups that you join. When you do attend be punctual and be prepared to stay for the duration of the event. A token appearance will not allow you to build meaningful relationships, nor will it make a good impression on the people there.

3. Be Confident

If you have decided to put the time into networking for your business, approach the activity with confidence. You need to be able to actively engage people in conversation, and be confident enough to talk to strangers. The pay-off is that these people won't be strangers for long, and the more you get used to talking to new people the easier it becomes. If you have difficulty with new crowds of people, perhaps consider doing a public speaking course first, or start with a small networking group where you can build your confidence.

4. Be Friendly

When you meet new people, or reconnect with people you have met previously, remember to be friendly and approachable. The key to effective networking is showing an interest in other people; get them to open up and tell you about themselves. It might be a good idea to prepare a few "ice breakers" before you attend an event. You could ask questions about their business, what their business challenges are, and what they like about their job. Ask questions that allow the person to feel comfortable sharing with you and the conversation will then flow naturally.

5. Be Prepared

One of the best things about business networking is that it forces you to think about your business and how you want to be perceived. Before you start networking decide how you want to present your business to people. Think about the future direction of your business and how your new relationships might help you move forward. When you are prepared you can quickly and easily answer other networkers' questions about your business, which will better enable them to refer the right business back to you.

6. Actively Listen

Everyone networks for the greater good of their business. When you actively listen to people you will come away from the event with the right knowledge to make quality referrals. You might have met an accountant at a recent event who spoke to you about his passion for "x". The next day your local "y" says he needs someone to do "x". Because you were actively listening you quickly match up the two and are able to make a referral.

A note of warning here: only refer to people when you feel comfortable doing so. You are not obliged to pass on referrals just because you are part of the same network. This is why building trust and confidence in your fellow networkers is crucial.

7. Follow Up

Do not go to a networking event and then expect things will just happen. Networking is an ongoing activity that needs to be constantly reinforced, just like a personal friendship. If you have permission, you can stay in contact via email. It is also a nice idea to send small cards to thank people for their time speaking with you. If you feel that you would really like to connect with one person in particular, organise a one-on-one with them. Think of a unique and personal way that you can maintain contact with people. But, do not spam people or be too pushy. Remember, you are building a meaningful relationship and the hard sell is the quickest way to ruin that connection.

5 Post Natal Depression Busters For New Mothers

The joys of having a new baby can sometimes be overshadowed by post natal or post partum depression. Post natal depression is commonly known as "the baby blues." It is said to be triggered by hormonal changes after a baby is born. Its symptoms include depression, tearfulness, low self esteem, low self confidence, guilt feelings, insomnia, low appetite, low sex drive and in extreme cases, self destruction.

While serious bouts of depression may require appropriate medication under the guidance of a doctor, it is best to deal with post natal depression the natural way. The following are stress busting tips that you, too, could use to battle the baby blues:

Start and maintain a gratitude journal.

When you're feeling blue, all you'll want is to be by yourself. This may be the best time to pull out a nice clean notebook and to start a journal. Maintaining a journal is a time-tested practice that yields wondrous results for the author. While you may use your journal for letting all your negative emotions out on writing, do make a conscious effort to cite the things that are positive in your life. Happy thoughts can uplift your mood.

Be thankful for the big or small things that make you happy. They remind you that your current situation is just a small event in your life that will inevitably pass. For every bad feeling that starts to creep in, battle it with a happy thought over something that you are thankful for.

Face your situation knowing that you shall be over the hump soon.

The strain you are experiencing now is a result of major adjustments that must be made before things achieve a normal and stable state. Mothers eventually get more hours of sleep as their babies learn to sleep through the night. You, too, will gradually find more and more packets of free time to do some leisurely reading or catching up with old hobbies that you may have left behind.

As your baby grows older, you will experience more joy in being able to play or talk with your baby. Things will lighten up slowly at home after your adjustment period. Life may never be the same again for us mothers, but we do get our lives back on track in time.

Move your body.

Moderate amounts of exercise are known to lift one's mood. When the body is set in motion, feel-good chemicals called "endorphins" are released into your system. This is the reason why children who run around appear to be "hyper" or excited. Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises are common ways to release endorphins and adrenaline. Adrenaline is what makes your body feel energized. A ten-minute routine can produce immediate effects.

Try brisk-walking or hip-hop dancing. Alternatively, there is the low-impact activity of stretching. A few minutes of comfortable stretching from your shoulders to your feet contribute to a feeling of general well-being.

Develop some circuit breakers

Circuit breakers are typically known as mechanical systems for damage control. The same principle can be applied in a human situation. Notice how bad luck may seem to come in a series of events? The same holds true for stress. A bad start in the morning somehow sets the trend for the rest of the day. Sometimes, being tired and feeling low prevent you from doing things right.

If you feel that nothing seems to go your way today, stop right there and put on your circuit breaker. Break a seemingly bad cycle by downshifting or dropping some errands in the meantime.

Your set of circuit breakers should include easy things like stepping out to get some sunshine, reading a few pages of a good book, having a leisurely chat on the phone with a supportive friend, listening to your favorite music or having a bubble bath. Everyone has her own set of circuit breakers. Make a list of what works for you. The short activities that you resort to once in a while may spell the difference between having a bad day and a good day.

Try meditation

Meditation was originally practiced as a way of understanding the mystic forces of life. Its earlier concepts were related to philosophy and even religion. The states of bliss attained by its earlier proponents paved the way for the application of meditation as a stress-reduction technique.

Nowadays, one does not have to be a yogi to practice meditation. Anyone can meditate anywhere. You can learn it under the guidance of a trained instructor or simply follow an instructional video at home.

While not all mothers may experience post natal depression, getting the baby blues is not a sign of weakness nor should it be taken against you. Post natal depression happens to the best of us. Instead of wallowing in self pity and depression, deal with the blues by recognizing it when it strikes.

If you follow the five self help measures regularly, you'll get past this phase even before you realize it. Until then, hang in there and remind yourself constantly that as in all life changing events, this, too, shall pass.

Post-natal Massage Therapy

Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.

But one thing’s for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she can fit back to her office wear.

Post-natal massage therapy may just be the solution to her needs. Here are 6 top benefits of post-natal massage therapy:

1. Relaxation

2. Stress Relief

3. Relieves aches on shoulders or neck

4. Hasten the reduction of fluid retention

5. Help uterus to shrink to original size

6. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body.

In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact, prebook sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for post-natal massage. The treatment is a traditional one which has been handed down several generations and even practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and a tummy wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several metres. The bengkung is used to wrap the body so as to push up the uterus, clear water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight. Post-natal massage is usually done in the privacy of one’s own home.

For a mother that has delivered her baby naturally, it is generally pretty safe to go for a post-natal massage. For those that delivered by caesarian, be sure to consult your professional massage therapist or your doctor first. Most in fact, would recommend that you wait a few more weeks before proceeding with a post-natal massage.

Post-natal massage provides a sense of continuing comfort for the new mother. The aim of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional support as well as alleviate the muscle strain of labor and childbirth. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that rids the midriff of post birth bagginess.

In some instances, post-natal massage can bring about a much shapelier silhouette, compared to the one just before pregnancy!

Property in Natal, Brazil - All You Need to Know When Choosing to Invest

Natal is located at the extreme northeastern tip of Brazil and as it has one of the best climates in the country, it is aptly named the 'City of Sun'. Natal is both charming and welcoming offering the best of both worlds - beautiful beaches and the convenience of a modern city with a wide range of amenities.

The 410km coastline is the area's star attraction with its semi-deserted beaches, big sand dunes, palm trees, tropical lagoons and charming coastal villages. Natal has received a considerable amount of investment to boost tourism and therefore Natal already boasts a good infrastructure for those visiting the area. It has long been a popular destination for domestic tourists and in the 1990s, the Portuguese, Spanish and Scandinavians were the first foreign charter tourists to arrive. In fact, the destination is becoming so popular, Natal has one of the highest rates of residency applications for any Brazilian city. Natal is also one of the four cities in north eastern Brazil to host the FIFA world cup in 2014. To cope with this influx, a new airport is planned which will be the largest in Latin America.

This internal and external interest in Natal is likely to be great news for property investors and there are a wide range of property types on the market to meet the demand. City centre dwellings are mainly apartments in tower blocks. However the real interest tends to be in property developments for sale on the coastline which range from low-rise apartments to large villas. Some of the coastal villages such as Pipa are already well known and are good examples of how simple fishing villages can completely transform themselves to much sought-after upmarket destinations. There are already plans afoot for large and prestigious beach and golf resorts in the area so make sure you do your research dependent on whether you do or don't want to be near these types of facilities.

Any buyer interested in purchasing property in Natal should put aside roughly 7.5% of the purchase price for expenses which include ITIV (Brazilian version of VAT), solicitors fees, registration of the deeds, admin expenses and legal fees.

Upkeep on a property also needs to be considered before buying: there is an annual real estate tax on properties in Brazil which ranges from 0.5% - 1% of the property price. In addition there may be maintenance fees payable on the property, particularly if it is a community style dwelling. Prices range from £40-£200.

Natal Property Prices Are on the Raise

Brazil has a lot to offer any visitor, from constant sunshine, a good currency exchange, natural beauty with extraordinary landscapes and 7,000km of beaches, to the friendly nature of the Brazilian people, lively cities with carnivals and music and a good quality of life. So it is no surprise that home buyers have started to look to the country for its potential for property investment. Brazil is amongst the top 4 major developing economies in the world due to its wealth of natural reserves and recognizes its potential for the developing tourist industry.

Now is the time to invest in property in Brazil, as the economy is good and prices are still low in comparison to many other holiday destinations. If you are looking for a holiday home, want to buy a second home or even retire to this stunning country then this is where you should be considering an investment. The cost of living is low, the economic growth rate high and your money goes a long way here. Even properties close to the tropical beaches are still affordable and you are sure to enjoy an excellent return in rentals if you decide to rent out when you are not occupying the property yourself.

The north eastern area of Brazil is now quickly becoming a well-known name with overseas property investors as it contains some of the most beautiful coasts in the country and is still a relatively

Post-Natal Depression

Dealing with the Baby Blues & Post Natal Depression

With your body undergoing such a massive transformation over the nine months of pregnancy and the subsequent birth, the readjustment of your hormone levels can have some unexpected effects.

The Baby Blues
The baby blues are a mild form of post natal depression. Most women will experience a period of anxiety and emotional turbulence in the first few weeks after the birth of a baby. This is normal, and it's to be expected after such a huge biological event. This period is referred to as the 'baby blues' or the 'maternal blues' in popular culture, and will pass after a few weeks.

The Cause of the Baby Blues
Since 75-80% of mothers experience the baby blues, it's pretty safe to say that the cause is biological, not psychological. It's caused by the hormone balances in your body; over the nine months of your pregnancy your body has learned to depend on the raised levels of estrogen, progesterone and endorphins. So after the birth, when these chemicals are suddenly no longer coursing healthily through your veins, you enter a sort of 'withdrawal' period, just as you would if you'd just quit smoking, for example. Combine the biological elements with the fact that you're exhausted from the mental and physical exertions of giving birth and caring for a newborn baby and you have a recipe for, frankly, a rough couple of weeks. But those rough couple of weeks will pass.

Symptoms of the Baby Blues
You will probably be aware of, or will have experienced, most of the symptoms of the baby blues before your pregnancy, since many of them are in common with the symptoms of any other type of depression.

They include:
* Depression - You are low a lot of the time. You're miserable, melancholy. You may have moments of real contentment which give you hope, but it passes and the depression seems all the more profound.

* Irritability - You are grumpy and snappy with people around you. You shrug off and reject any physical contact, and even inquiries about your well-being irritate you.

* Fatigue - Lethargy and listlessness add to a general sense of malaise, yet you may not be unable to get much sleep despite how tired you are. This can be the most frustrating symptom, since all the lying awake provides loads of time to explore in your mind all the negative emotions you're currently feeling.

* No Appetite - You forget to eat or you're never hungry. When you eat, it's only small amounts and with no real interest. The lack of food makes you feel rundown. You may even be aware that you're not eating enough, but are not inclined to do anything about it.

* Joylessness - You find that you can derive virtually no pleasure from any activity. Even the sense of safety and comfort you previously derived from sex has evaporated and you are reluctant to partake.

* Guilt - You experience waves of unendurable guilt, a sense that you could and should be trying harder with your baby, a real sense of uselessness occurs to you. Guilt that you feel so low when you are aware that it should be a time for real happiness, and this knowledge exacerbates your feelings.

* Anxiety - You feel panicky and your heart races and thumps causing you to worry that you are unwell or have a heart condition. Further, you worry about your relationship with your baby, whether you are bonding or not, whether your baby is breathing steadily enough and if he or she is healthy. You are wracked with worry when your baby is in the care of another, and you're anxious about the possibility of cot death, choking, or drowning. You may also be worried that you will harm your baby yourself.

Every new mother has all or some of the symptoms listed above. However, there are cases where the symptoms are extreme, leading to a serious condition that we will discuss in just a moment. Before we do, you have to be aware that it is difficult, nearly impossible in fact, for you to determine when your symptoms have moved from the mild depression of the baby blues, and onto the vaguely termed 'extreme'. It's difficult to tell the difference between the baby blues and PND when your experiencing one or other of them.

It may take another person, perhaps a spouse, family member, or doctor, to help you. When this is the case, you may find that you've been diagnosed with Post Natal Depression. Post Natal Depression (PND) is different from the baby blues. Post natal depression is a serious medical condition which can be dealt with quickly if it's diagnosed early. You can't diagnose yourself, but your GP is trained to recognize PND, so if the symptoms listed above persist for more than a month after the birth of your baby, it might be worth contacting him or her.

Common Factors in Post Natal Depression
PND is a form of clinical depression and is treated as such. Although there is no single individual cause of post natal depression, there are occasionally cases in which obvious factors are at play. In these cases, any treatment will be primarily focused on those factors. They include:

* Prenatal Depression - Depression during pregnancy seems to be the most common contributing factor to postnatal depression.

* Low Self Esteem - A mother who has consistently had low self-esteem or a low opinion of herself, or places little value or importance on her place in the world may risk developing PND.

* Childcare Stress - If a mother has been really, seriously anxious about her ability to raise a child, anxious to the point of becoming unwell, then PND may develop.

*Life Stress - An unusually or extremely stressful lifestyle can be detrimental to your mental health after the birth of your baby.

* Low Social Support - PND has been connected a lack of support from friends and family. Women who have been rejected by their families will generally have a higher chance of developing PND.

* Poor Marital Relationship - A loveless conception is a possible factor in the development of post natal depression. A loving relationship is beneficial anyway, but perhaps more poignantly so in cases of mental health.

* A History of Depression - If you have a history of clinical or manic depression, there may be an elevated chance of post natal depression manifesting itself.

* Infant Temperament Problems / Colic - A particularly 'fussy' or 'colicky' baby often puts enormous pressure on mothers. Listening to their baby crying for such extended periods of time can lead to the belief that they are neglecting something important that their child desperately needs. This feeling can lead to stress, depression, feelings of helplessness, and low self-esteem, all of which, as we have seen, can be a factor in the development of postnatal depression.

* Single Parenthood - A lack of support and feeling of economic insecurity can be damaging at the best of times, but it's effect on a vulnerable new mother can potentially be devastating.

* Low Socioeconomic Status - Associated with many of the points already mentioned, your status and economic situation have the capability to seriously affect your mental health.

* Unplanned/Unwanted Pregnancy - An unwanted or unplanned pregnancy brings many of the stresses and anxieties that we've already covered, along with associated feelings of shame and an immediate problem bonding with the baby.

Treating Post Natal Depression
Just as there is no single cause for post natal depression, there is no single cure for it. It is fully treatable however, and most women go on to make a full recovery. Antidepressants are commonly prescribed, and have a positive effect in up to 70% of its applications in medium to severe cases of postnatal depression. However, some antidepressants are transmitted through breast milk, lithium, clozapine, and lamotrigine for example, and as such can't be prescribed to new mothers.

For less severe cases of PND, talking treatments have been found to be just as effective as antidepressants. Counseling sessions with a psychologist or other mental health specialist can be really helpful, and may be prescribed over medical treatments in some situations.

There are three main types of talking treatments being practiced in the UK today. The first is 'cognitive therapy', and it's based on the idea that your thoughts and emotions can directly affect your physical well-being. The second kind is 'cognitive behavior therapy', and it involves changing any behavior that is harmful, as well as incorporating the ideas in cognitive therapy. The third kind of talking treatment includes 'interpersonal therapy' and 'problem solving therapies'. Any combination of these treatments might be prescribed and all depend on the severity of the depression and the patient herself.

To supplement any medical or psychological treatment, taking regular exercise can help in all sorts of ways.
As we mentioned, the earlier the condition is identified, the easier it is to treat. But, now we know what post natal depression is and what can be done when it's diagnosed, why don't we consider a few pointers on

Preventing Post Natal Depression
No one's really sure if PND is inevitable for the unfortunate women who develop it, but there are a few steps that pregnant women can take to reduce the likelihood of developing the condition.

* First, and perhaps the most obvious of all the following points and one that should apply regardless of the worry of PND, don't smoke, don't take drugs, and don't drink.
* Sleep well, relax and rest whenever you can.
* Low blood sugar levels can make you feel pretty down, so make sure you eat a balanced, healthy, and varied diet.
* Support that diet with a multi-vitamin supplement.
* Take gentle exercise and keep yourself occupied.
* Budget your time and pace yourself: while you may be able to multi-task efficiently most of the time, you should try to take things one step at a time in the lead up to the birth.
* Open up to friends or family, or especially your partner, about your concerns. It can be really dangerous to try to bear the burden of concern alone, set let other people help.

These tips won't necessarily prevent PND, but they will help. You know that phrase, 'healthy body, healthy mind'? Well it works the other way, too, 'healthy mind, healthy body'. Keep your mind active and lively and keep your body relaxed but healthy.

The Partners of PND Sufferers
It can be almost intolerable to have a partner suffering from postnatal depression. But for a while, you may have to endure a lack of sympathy while she gets better. She will need you, but she may be reluctant to ask. She may even try to push you away. In these instances, try to relieve some of the pressure on her by holding the baby for a few hours so she can get some sleep. Do chores that she would normally do, but try not to step on her toes, she may resent feeling like she's being pushed out.

It's essential that the new mother feels understood and supported. To facilitate this, try to make yourself available as often as possible, and don't feel abandoned if she needs to confide in someone other than you. The last thing needed for the sake of her mental health as well as your own is for your self-consciousness and insecurities to cause further friction. Be patient, she will eventually come to appreciate the space you have given her, as long as you are still there when she needs you.

Learn as much as possible about her condition, but don't act like you know more than she does about it, or even pretend to know what she's going through. Use your knowledge to adapt how you act, not to teach her how to act.

Natal Offers Property Investors a Golden Opportunity

The economic uncertainty of the past twelve months has resulted in considerable changes to patterns within overseas property investment. Whereas the past decade was characterized by short term - high yield investment (resulting in destinations such as Dubai seeing record growth followed by considerable decreases in property values), the majority of investors now look for long term stability and sustainable growth.

In short, investors are now looking for destinations which offer genuine long term stability, underpinned by sound economic fundamentals rather than hype and speculation. One destination which delivers on these criteria of sound economic fundamentals is Brazil, and in particular the popular resort area in country's north eastern region of Natal.

Natal is located approximately 2,500 kilometers north of the country's capital city of Sao Paolo, and is widely acknowledge as being the 'destination of choice' for holidays of both national and international tourists into Brazil. A superb tropical climate, coupled with the region's spectacular coastline, have made the area popular amongst property developers, who see the region as offering considerable potential for long term investment returns. Many miles of undeveloped beachfront property stretch for considerable distances either side of the main city of Natal, offering investors unrivaled opportunities to capitalize early on in the development process.

There are a number of factors which contribute to the overall appeal of the region to investors, and key to these is the overall economic performance of Brazil. In fact, such is the anticipated growth rate in Brazil, that a recent report from Goldman Sachs stated that they expect Brazil to become one of the top five global economies by 2050. This anticipated future growth, underpinned by considerable natural resources (Brazil is estimated to hold more reserves of oil than Saudi Arabia), has only served to increase the overall appeal of Brazil to overseas investors.

On the back of Brazil's strong economic performance, considerable investment is being made by the government into the tourist regions surrounding Natal. As well as a large number of development and housing projects being announced for the region, a large number of golf courses are also being built, designed to increase the overall tourist appeal of the region. At heart of this long term investment in the future of tourism in Brazil is the Tourism National Plan, put in place by the Brazil Ministry for Tourism. This long term strategic plan has proven to be the catalyst for a number of investment projects throughout Brazil, as it strives to achieve its target of increasing the number of foreign visitors to over 9 million.

Increased accessibility has also played a pivotal role within the increased appeal of the region to overseas investors. The new international airport in Natal, which is set to be opened in June 2010 will become the eight largest airport in the world, and already a large number of international airlines have committed to opening up new routes directly into the Natal region. With flights to Natal taking between 7-9 hours from the majority of European destinations, the number of visitors from the region is set to increase considerably in the years to come.

Brazil has undoubtedly caught the eye of overseas property investors in recent years, and over the course of the past twelve months a number of stunning new coastal developments have been announced in and around the Natal region. Offering beachfront locations which are simply unrivaled elsewhere, it is likely that the demand for property in Natal will only increase considerably over the next five to ten years.